A few facts you might not know about PPE | PPE Supply Company

A few facts you might not know about PPE

Who would have thought in 2020; the year of COVID-19, that PPE would become part of our everyday life? Going outside for some fresh air with a Face Mask or Full Face Protective Shield (Visor), visiting public places like Hair Salons and Barbers whilst sitting in between protective plastic dividers would be the 'new normal'.

A few facts you might not know about PPE at PPE Supply Company Blog

Quite a cliche, yet interesting fact when Bill Gate's Ted Talk Speech aired in 2015, warning people about an infectious virus that would be a much greater risk to humanity than a nuclear war. None of us could ever imagine what this would mean for us; a virus affecting billions of people worldwide. If you have missed this talk - you can see it here. 

No doubt, over the past 9 months we have all become familiar with the term PPE, here are a few facts you might not know. Let's start at the very beginning...

What is PPE?

PPE aka "Personal Protective Equipment" helps reduce the risk of people from coming into harm. PPE can protect you from getting in contact with the tiny amount of the virus that can be spread by coughing and sneezing. You will most likely see our essential workers in NHS wearing a variety of PPE, such as masks, face visors, gloves and gowns even before the pandemic. If used properly it can help save lives. One of the reasons why it is so important to continue protecting your employees as well as your customers.

When was PPE discovered?

Personal protective equipment has a long history. The first well-documented use of PPE began during the 1760s when physicians used gloves made from sheep intestines, but it wasn't until the 1840s when Charles Goodyear patented his "vulcanized" rubber that was used by nurses at Johns Hopkins Hospital in the 1890s - all of this is documented in "The Treatment of Wounds" written by Dr William Halstead. (Infection Control Today, 2014) Browse our Protective Gloves Range.

PPE equipment also dates back to the middle ages. Blacksmiths would wear protective aprons, and hand gear to prevent themselves from being burned or to stop equipment from falling on their heads. View our Protective Aprons & Gowns range.

When was PPE first used in the military?

The first use of PPE equipment in the military was in World War One, in the form of respirators. The use of these respirators allowed the troops to escape the effects of harmful toxins and gas. Outside military settings, PPE equipment also dated back to the middle ages.

(Above) A detail from Otto Dix's Stormtroops Advancing Under a Gas Attack, from his 1924 set of first world war drawings, Der Kreig. Photograph: British Museum/DACS

Surgical masks, Respirators Facts & Further Coverage development

  • Surgical masks were constructed from cotton gauze and worn by surgery staff in the early 1900s to prevent contamination of open surgical wounds. 
  • The first respirators were developed about the same time and used for protecting miners from specks of dust and gases, soldiers from chemical warfare, and firefighters from the smoke. 
  • The evolution of further coverage to include the eyes in the form of a face shield was likely born from this.
  • Browse our Protective Face masks and Respirators Range

UK Work Regulations

The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 place duties on employers to protect their employees from hazards within the workplace. Risk assessment may identify personal protective equipment (PPE) as being part of an overall prevention or control strategy to protect an individual.

PPE is usually the last resort for protecting everyone, yet it is important for us today as we are continuing to learn during Covid-19 Pandemic. 

Stay well and safe everyone, 

PPE Supply Company Team

HVPMAG - The Evolution of PPE Clothing | Infection Control Today - Retrospect PPE use then and now | Croneri - Personal Protective Equipment

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